7 Types of mesothelioma Tests to undergo

Mesothelioma  - Diagnosis written on a piece of white paper with medication injection, syringe and pills

Mesothelioma cancer is one of the world’s deadliest diseases, with a slew of painful symptoms that can irritate the carrier. Mesothelioma symptoms can appear up to 50 years before they begin to affect your internal organs. 

Mesothelioma tests are usually performed prior to a diagnosis. Some mesothelioma tests can detect the presence of cell abnormalities in a patient’s body, but the only confirmed test that can confirm or diagnose mesothelioma cancer is a biopsy mesothelioma test.

When is the right time to go for a mesothelioma test/screening?

When you have a history of being exposed to asbestos. If you have tampered with asbestos contamination products in any way, see a doctor for a mesothelioma test. Asbestos exposure is possible; 

  • If you work or have previously worked in an asbestos manufacturing company. 
  • If you live in an old building from the late 1980s or close to an asbestos factory. 
  • If you have a family member who works for an asbestos company. 

Some of the signs and symptoms that could indicate mesothelioma cancer include symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, a dry cough, night sweats, weight loss, a swollen abdomen, a lack of appetite, and so on.

Do you have all or some of the following symptoms? If this is the case, it is best to consult a skilled doctor to be thoroughly tested for mesothelioma cancer. It should be noted that the symptoms listed above could be a sign of mesothelioma cancer or another disease with symptoms similar to mesothelioma cancer. So, if you want to find out what’s causing your symptoms or conditions, get a mesothelioma test or screening right away. 

There are various types of mesothelioma tests, and the procedures vary. Physical exams, imaging tests, blood tests, CT scans, and other tests are among those available. 

Your health provider or medical team will most likely decide and make arrangements for additional testing based on the results of your initial test.

Mesothelioma cancer is difficult to diagnose because mesothelioma tumors contain a wide range of cell types. 

Pathologists (doctors who thoroughly examine cancerous cell samples under a microscope) frequently struggle to determine whether a cell sample collected from your abdomen or lungs is truly a mesothelioma cancer. The reason for this is that some cells resemble those of other cancers that are not mesothelioma. Mesothelioma can be mistaken for lung or ovarian cancer.

Types of mesothelioma tests

Mesothelioma tests include;

  • A physical exam
  • Imaging test
  • X-ray ( chest and tummy)
  • Computerized A tomography (CT) scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • Blood Tests and Biomarkers
  • Biopsies

Physical exam/medical history 

This is the first test you will have after visiting a doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing. 

A knowledgeable mesothelioma doctor will begin by reviewing your medical history and asking you pertinent questions about your asbestos exposure and symptoms. 

This crucial information will assist the doctor in creating a fragment for a mesothelioma test. 

In some cases, mesothelioma doctors use medical devices to detect signs of the disease during a physical exam. They will also examine your chest and abdomen for signs of tumors or pain.

Imaging test for mesothelioma 

Imaging tests/scans such as X-rays, computerized tomography scans, and magnetic resonance imaging are among the first types of mesothelioma tests that are used to diagnose the disease. 

Imaging scans aid mesothelioma doctors in identifying tumors and tracking the stage of cancer in the body. 

Imaging scans alone cannot diagnose mesothelioma cancer; instead, they serve as a guide for the medical team. This means that more tests are required to diagnose mesothelioma.

X-ray (chest/ tummy) for mesothelioma test

One of the mesothelioma tests that a patient may undergo during the diagnostic process is an X-ray of the chest and abdomen. An X-ray is a type of test that uses electromagnetic radiation to create images of your internal organs. 

An X-ray image shows the location of the tumors, bones, vital organs, fluid buildup in the lungs and abdomen, and other abnormalities within the body.

Computerized A tomography (CT) scan

A computerized tomography scan, also known as a CAT scan, aids doctors in the diagnosis of mesothelioma. CT scans of the internal organs and cells can detect cancerous growths in the body. It also captures and displays various images from the inside of the body. 

Mesothelioma tests, such as CT scans, provide clear, detailed information about abnormalities in the image. This type of scan captures small and large areas in a single session. 

The computerized tomography scan assists the doctor in determining the stage of mesothelioma.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging, also known as an “MRI,” is one of the mesothelioma tests recommended for someone exhibiting signs and symptoms of mesothelioma cancer. 

This type of scan aids in the diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer by providing clear images of inside body structures. 

An MRI scan may capture images of internal organs, tumor location, bones, and soft tissues. 

Blood vessels are also included. MRI scans can detect cysts and the spread of cancer. 

Doctors specializing in mesothelioma evaluate the images obtained to determine whether additional testing for clarification or a biopsy is required.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans use radio waves and magnetic fields; it’s a noninvasive, painless procedure that doesn’t require the use of radiation. MRI scans can last from 15 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the parts being scanned. Furthermore, an injectable contrast dye may be used in magnetic resonance imaging scans to make tissues appear very clean in the image.

Blood Tests and Biomarkers

Mesothelioma blood tests are insufficient and cannot be used to diagnose mesothelioma. 

MESOMARK and SOMAmer blood tests can detect mesothelioma biomarkers. These tests are used by mesothelioma specialists to rule out other diseases and monitor a patient’s response to treatment.

MESOMARK; – is an FDA-approved blood-based bookmark that aids in the detection of soluble mesothelin-associated peptides. 

Mesothelin is simply a protein in healthy people. When mesothelioma cancer is present, it spreads at higher blood levels.

SOMAmer; The SOMAmer test is capable of detecting over 1,000 proteins in blood serum. These proteins may be useful in detecting mesothelioma.

Human MPF; The purpose of the human MPF assay is to measure a megakaryocyte potentiating factor. 

The precision rates for all tests vary according to their sensitivity (which detects the presence of disease) and specificity (which detects the absence of disease). 

According to research, the MESOMARK can correctly predict the presence of mesothelioma in up to 92% of healthy patients. While SOMAMER correctly diagnosed approximately 90% of patients. 

In spite of that, none of these blood test results can be used to diagnose mesothelioma.  The biopsy test is the only reliable and confirmed test for accurately diagnosing mesothelioma cancer.

Biopsy procedures 

A biopsy is the only reliable test used in diagnosing mesothelioma cancer.  This procedure helps mesothelioma doctors to know the cell type and the stage of cancer and also helps them in determining a patient treatment plan.

Biopsies are different and each has its own way of administration. The type of procedure that will be right for you will be based on the location of cancer in the body and your ability to endure pain. But doctors can prescribe or administer drugs that can lessen the pain you may encounter during the procedure.


This is the most correct mesothelioma biopsy procedure. It can clearly detect up to 98% of malignant mesothelioma cases.

Cytology Test

A mesothelioma doctor will collect fluid from the suspected tumor location for this type of cytology test. The fluids are then examined under a microscope by a pathologist for cancerous cells.


The tissue sample of the lymph nodes surrounding the windpipe will be used for this test. The test can assist in determining the stage of pleural mesothelioma.


The abdominal cavity is examined using a laparoscopy. It takes tissue samples from people who are suspected of having peritoneal mesothelioma. 

Fine needle aspiration or liquid biopsy may be performed by a radiologist. A cytology test is another name for it. Although less accurate, it is useful when biopsying tumor tissue. 

During a biopsy, the doctor removes a piece of the suspected tumor for solid tissue samples. A pathologist then examines it under a microscope to determine the type and characteristics of cancer cells.


Are you experiencing symptoms of mesothelioma cancer? Is it possible that you have mesothelioma? Have you ever been exposed to asbestos? Get to a mesothelioma doctor right away so they can recommend the best test for you. 

Some of the mesothelioma tests described in this article may be painful or non-painful. 

Once you’ve had some of these tests, such as a CT scan that shows signs of cancer, a biopsy procedure will be used to determine whether you have mesothelioma cancer or another type of asbestos-related disease. A mesothelioma test may reveal the spread of cancer, stage of disease, cell type, and type of mesothelioma you have at the time of diagnosis. When all of this is completed, you will be diagnosed and your treatment plans will be developed.

In addition, Create a mesothelioma support network to assist you and your loved ones in dealing with this cancer. Make connections with your relatives, mates, community members, and others in the neighborhood. A big support system will assist you in overcoming the difficulties of being diagnosed with mesothelioma.

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